There is only one way to truly study Torah and the rest of the Tanach, the Bible: word by word, verse by verse. We need to see for ourselves what our sacred texts have to say, rather than blindly accept what others tell us they say. Take Creation in Genesis Chapter 1. The only myth in that chapter is what people say it says. Read carefully, this is the story written 3,500 years ago of how the universe, and the Earth after it, came into being just as science today says they did. Our views of the Torah are colored by the things we are told about it, by the movies and films that seek to dramatize it,and even how Torah is misused and abused by the politics of our day. You will be surprised to discover what the Bible (the Tanach), the Torah especially, really does have to say.
To contact Shammai, just click on his image above. Click on the image, as well, if you would like to join our virtual Shabbat and festival services, and let Shammai know so that he can send you the materials and information on how to log on. To listen to Shammai's "Keep the Faith" podcast, click HERE to go to the PODCASTS page. His latest is: Hate, Robinson, Trump, the GOP and Election 2024. Click HERE, as well, to help support his podcasts. To read Shammai's latest Jewish Standard column— The ‘Atoning Chicken’ Ritual Must Go! click HERE.
SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR THIS MOST TROUBLED TIME A Prayer for Israel at War With Hamas Our Father in Heaven, Master of Peace, once again the State of Israel and its people—our brothers and sisters—are under siege. Once again, enemies arise to destroy them and us. Yet we draw comfort from words spoken in Your Holy Name by Moses, Your great prophet and our great teacher: “Fear them not. Recall what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt: the wondrous acts that you saw with your own eyes, the signs and portents, the mighty hand and outstretched arm by which the Lord your God freed you. So will the Lord your God do to all whom you now fear. The Lord your God will also send the hornet against them....Do not stand in fear of them, for the Lord your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God.” We take comfort in those words now, Merciful Father, because in You alone do we trust, and we trust You to fulfill this promise as You have fulfilled so many others. You who blessed our ancestors made this one of those blessings: And I have given this land to your descendants as an eternal possession. The enemies who besiege Israel thus seek not only to dispossess Your children, but to defy You. Bless now Medinat Yisrael. Shield it with Your love; spread over it the shelter of Your peace. Protect its soldiers, the men and women of Tzahal, from all harm. May our enemies wither before them. Send them Your blessings of success. Amen. A Prayer for the Safe Return of Those Kidnapped by Hamas Based on a prayer written years ago by Rabbi Tamar Elad Appelbaum at the Schechter Rabbinical Assembly in Jerusalem. God of Israel, Benevolent ruler of all creation, You who are most merciful and compassionate, we ask for Your guidance at this most difficult and dangerous time. We place our faith in You, and we offer our heartfelt prayers to You. We beseech You to give Israel’s political and military leaders the wisdom and understanding they will need to do whatever must be done to ensure the safety, rescue, and well-being of all those who are being held captive by Hamas in their conflict against the State of Israel and its people. We beseech You, as well, to spread Your protective wings over these captives, keeping them from further harm until their rescue can be accomplished. Lord, act swiftly on their behalf, champion their cause, and bestow upon them a life filled with blessings that endure forever. May this, too, be your will. Amen.
Bring Them Home NOW!
There is only one way to truly study Torah and the rest of the Tanach, the Bible: word by word, verse by verse. We need to see for ourselves what our sacred texts have to say, rather than blindly accept what others tell us they say. Take Creation in Genesis Chapter 1. The only myth in that chapter is what people say it says. Read carefully, this is the story written 3,500 years ago of how the universe, and the Earth after it, came into being just as science today says they did. Our views of the Torah are colored by the things we are told about it, by the movies and films that seek to dramatize it,and even how Torah is misused and abused by the politics of our day. You will be surprised to discover what the Bible (the Tanach), the Torah especially, really does have to say.
To contact Shammai, just click on his image above. Click on the image, as well, if you would like to join our virtual Shabbat and festival services, and let Shammai know so that he can send you the materials and information on how to log on. To listen to Shammai's "Keep the Faith" podcast, click HERE to go to the PODCASTS page. His latest is: Hate, Robinson, Trump, the GOP and Election 2024. Click HERE, as well, to help support his podcasts. To read Shammai's latest Jewish Standard column—